Can a new life start while asleep?

A tenderness I hadn’t known in years wrapped around me, a warmth like hidden furs cradling me in unimaginable coziness. For a moment, my body felt light and free of pain, and my mind was clear of all worries. I wanted to savor this luxury, yet a small voice within wondered if this calm was as peaceful as it seemed.
The brightness of clouds encircled me, their sheer whiteness sharp enough to make me squint. As I adjusted my gaze, a deep sorrow welled in my chest. This beautiful, endless white assured me that I had died again.
Reluctantly, I rose from my comfort, but the strength to move left me as quickly as it had come. My body fell back into the resting place, my vision fixed on a distant figure. A tightness throbbed in my chest, sharp and relentless. Uncontrollably, a tear slipped down my cheek.
A man emerged from the glow, gliding forward, his white suit crisp against the dazzling light. I waited, heart pounding, though I had no idea who he was. Yet, every step he took filled me with excitement and longing. As he drew nearer, more tears began to fall, as if they were a silent signal to him. In anticipation, I sat up. But just as I did, he paused.
Murmured words echoed as his lips moved, and I struggled to make them out. I stood, straining to hear, the urgency in his whispers stirring a sudden and piercing fear within me. I stumbled forward, desperate to hear him, to see him. But my steps faltered; my knees buckled. And then, just like that—he vanished.
My head felt heavy, so I let it drop. My eyelids were weak, so I allowed them to rest, and my body numbed with grief, so I let it mourn. I’d lost all willingness to engage in any fight to understand what was happening to me. I never felt such loss, as if my soul had also disappeared.
A harsh breeze pushed me onto my back. Somehow, I thought the clouds would catch me as I fell back into the safety and security that had once embraced me so tenderly. I was wrong. As I fell, endless and alone, a strange acceptance settled over me. Of what? The end, of course. As the clouds became distant, so did my existence. My last thought was a quiet plea: Will we meet again, my faceless prince?"